Teeth filling are a treatment for treating early-stage tooth decay and restoring the function and appearance of the tooth. Cavities are the product of tooth decay, and they are a very common disease in humans. Teeth decay should be handled as soon as possible in the ideal scenario to prevent it from spreading further into a tooth or to other teeth in the mouth.

Tooth decay is one of the many causes of sensitive teeth. One of the first signs that your tooth needs a filling is sensitivity to cold food or air, which occurs when decay causes cavitations into the dentine layer.

Filling a cavity in a tooth is a process in which the dentist removes the decayed part of the tooth and fills the cavity with a filling material. Filling a cavity as soon as possible aids in the battle against tooth decay and stops it from spreading deeper into the tooth.

What is the Purpose of Cavity Filling?

Dental decay is caused by bacteria that feed on the food debris around a tooth and create acids that dissolve the tooth structure, effectively eating into the tooth. A cavity is created as a result and it weakens the tooth’s structure.  A cavity is filled with a strong material that replaces the tooth’s missing structure, restoring its shape and function, as well as its aesthetics in many instances.

  • Teeth that are broken or cracked
  • Gum disease-affected teeth
  • Dental fillings that have failed
  • Teeth that have been traumatized
  • Deeply decayed teeth
  • Tooth ache

Types of Materials for Teeth Filling

For the process, various types of tooth filling material are used. The best teeth filling material is chosen based on a number of factors, including the extent of decay, the cost of the filling, and the ease of use. The following are some of the most widely used tooth filling materials:

Silver Amalgam

This is most likely one of the oldest and longest-lasting tooth filling ingredients, having been used for over a century and still being used today. These filling materials are made of silver and mercury, are inexpensive, and have a high resistance to wear. They can withstand strong compressive forces, but they will crack when exposed to high stress.

Glass Ionomer Filling

Glass lonomer fillings are luting cements that are used to secure dental crowns and bridges, as well as to fill cavities.Because of their fluoride-releasing properties; they are still used in some situations today.


There are resin-based tooth filling products that are now the most commonly used. They are more attractive and have high compressive and tensile powers.

Porcelain Inlays and Onlays

In contrast to the previously described filling products, indirect restorations are used. This means that they are pre-fabricated in a dental lab and luted on to the tooth to repair the cavity, rather than being directly mounted on the tooth structure.

We use high-quality tooth filling materials, and our dentists are well-trained in making the best tooth filling material option for each individual case.

Teeth Filling Process

There are three steps involved in teeth filling, they are follows:

1. Evaluation

Assessing the severity of the decay, its spread, and any signs you might be experiencing to determine the degree of the decay within the tooth, an x-ray can be taken. The dentist will continue, Removing the entire decayed part of the tooth and cleaning out the cavity of any debris. The tooth is now prepared for filling.

2. Decay removal and cleaning

The dentist will remove the entire decayed part of the tooth and prepare the tooth for filling.

3. Filling

The insertion of the necessary filling material in the prepared cavity and finishing it with appropriate hand tools is the final stage in the teeth filling process.

Frequently Asked Questions

If the cavity is too deep for a filling or removing the decay would expose the pulp tissue, our experts will advise root canal treatment based on the x-ray and clinical examination.

The composite filling is usually placed in a single arrangement. When the tooth is numb, the dentist can remove rot as soon as possible. Before the new filling is mounted, the area will be thoroughly cleaned and meticulously organized. If the rot is close to the nerve of the tooth, a special medication will be used to provide additional protection. At that point, the composite filling will be precisely positioned, molded, and cleaned, restoring your tooth to its original shape and capability.

The extent of the repair, allergies to certain materials, the position of the filling, and the cost will all influence the type of dental filling you get.

Amalgam (silver) Fillings are abrasion-resistant and cost-effective alternative to crowns. They are not used for conspicuous areas such as front teeth because of their metallic hue, which makes them more recognizable than porcelain or composite restorations.

Composite (plastic) Resins are used where a natural appearance is required since they match the color of the teeth. Large fillings may not be the best choice for composite fillings because they may chip or wear over time. They do, however, chemically bind to the tooth and are very attractive.As stated in this article, you can browse your selection of available deals on smartphones and top brands and explore the cell phone service plans that best suit your needs.

Porcelain inlays or onlays are indirect restorations those are produced in a dental laboratory and then bonded to the tooth. They can be tinted to match the color of the teeth and are stain-resistant. The majority of the tooth structure is usually covered by a porcelain restoration. A crown/cap may be suggested if a significant portion of the tooth structure has been weakened by decay or a fracture. Root canal therapy can be used to treat decay that has entered the nerve (in which the damaged pulp is removed).

Acid etching, drilling, air pressure, sugar, coolant water jet, and other procedures that expose dentin surfaces can irritate the dentin and cause short-term sensitivity. Changes in the flow of fluid in the dentinal tubules may evoke a pain response by triggering mechanoreceptors on nerves in the pulpal aspect. The above irritants will increase the hydrodynamic flow.

A dental filling is intended to replace the tooth structure lost to decay. Dental fillings may last several years, but may need replacement eventually, if the filling wears away, chips, or gets dislodged. If the seal between the filling and tooth interface breaks down, it may serve as a site of food impaction and portal of entry for bacteria. If the dental examination reveals a filling that has failed or if decay (secondary caries) is detected on the radiograph, then the filling should be replaced promptly. Don’t wait until the tooth hurts. Early detection and treatment can minimize the need for extensive and costly procedures.

Food can be consumed right away with Composite filling. However, food with a rough consistency should be avoided for the first 24 hours after the operation if you have Amalgam fillings. Regardless of the form of filling, chew on the opposite side of your mouth.

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Dental Fillings